Refugee Camp – (Extended)

Project Location | Middle East, Iraq
Production Date | 2014-03-19


women and children always have been the main victims of war, whether before, or after that, in war regions, or in the areas that they move as refugees, their souls and bodies are always in danger. But, war has other face as well. I believe that without black color, white is meaningless, without war, the real value of life is hidden. In this project, I try to study the life of Kurdish people, who have been always involved with war and its consequences such as displacement, no single country, migration to other countries because of war and genocide, known as the foreign countries where they have been living for centuries, suppressed sometimes lacking citizenship in the countries in which they are born and etc,... but they have not lost their hope and happiness. In my opinion, the role of women and mothers in keeping the hope and happiness is one of their main strength against all violence and I tried to show them.

After starting civil war in Syria and Iraq, Kurdish people declare their neutrality, but in Syria were attacked by both sides in the conflict and in Iraq attacked by ISIS . after the attack large number of kurdish people were victims and displaced nearly 500,000 Kurds in Syria and nearly 900,000 kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan . Like all wars, women are large proportion of war victims, many of whom were killed or captured in war regions. Large number of kurdish refugees immigrated to neighbor cities and countries and stayed in UN camps or cities and towns. The large number of women have lost their husbands or their children, or are victims of rape and brutality. some of them could stay with their family and husbands.

last year I had a trip to a special camp in the northern city of Iraq, located 35 km far from Erbil. I noticed that there is difference between the photos that I had been watching from refugees camp and the real place. The camp was clean and the happiness and joy and hope was visible from children playing around, the bridal shops, restaurants, stores, etc,... When I looked at the women’s faces, I found that despite the pain of war and mental health problems, with all the traditional and patriarchal society, and all responsibilities that they have during war, they are still have laughter and truly play a main role in happiness and hope in the society. This drew my attention for photography of kurdish women and mother and they role in increase hope in the society . yes ! this is my story : how they can increase and maintaining hope with many problem and sorrow and pain. I had several trip to Iraqi kurdistan for visit refugees and displaced kurdish people in Kawergosk, Ba-adre , Lalesh , Dohuk and Erbil and i started my project 1 year a go and now I am planning to complete this project by travelling to refugees camp and cities that refugees live in other places in Iraq and other countries (i.e. Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan) and observe the woman's life and showing their problems and their efforts in maintaining hope in Kurdish society.