Development Grant Winners Announced – 2018
Toronto, Canada, 24 March 2018: The NVP Images is pleased to announce its first-time award winners for the 2018 development grant. After 5 days of in-depth review of the receiving proposals, following individuals were short listed to be considered for the grant:
- Enayat Asady, from Tehran
- Abed Jalilpouran, from Kurdistan
- Jalal Shamsazaran, from Eastern Azerbaijan
- Farhad Babaei, from Tehran
- Ali Asadollahi Sooteh, from Gilan
- Mohammad Ali Najib, from Tehran
As a result of such reviews, NVP Grant Committee didn’t find an outstanding single proposal to be fully awarded, therefore 2018 Development Grant of NVP Images have been broken down as follow. The amount of the grant has been divided between 2 photographers to help them to finalize their projects. Recipients are:
- Jalal Shamsazaran | Eastern Azerbaijan (CA$500)

First Grant recipient of the 2018 is Jalal Shamsazan. His projects on environmental issues have received the total amount of CA$500 (2 Million Toman), and during the next 6 months he will work on Climate change in Iran.
- Ali Asadollahi Sooteh | Gilan (CA$500)
Second Grant recipient of the 2018 is Ali Asadollahi. His projects on environmental issues have received the total amount of CA$500 (2 Million Toman), and during the next 6 months he will work on Water and Soil pollution in north part of Iran.
- Abed Jalilpouran | Kurdistan (CA$250)

2017 NVP Workshop Award, Abed received the CA$250 (1 Million Toman) grant as the best project of the 2017 September NVP workshop attendee. In the upcoming 6 months, Abed is going to finalize his human rights project in Kurdistan.
Awarded projects will be showcased along with our latest member’s projects during the 2018 fall exhibition tour in Iran, Canada and Denmark.
Congratulations to Jalal, Ali and Abed. We look forward to collaborating with them on their projects!